Diving Into The World Of Extended Reality (XR): Understanding VR, AR, And MR

While there wasn’t as much technology to study in the 1990s, there are now a heck of a lot of new ones that are in use. One of which is Extended Reality (XR), which is something that we will briefly examine in our blogpost.

So, according to Wikipedia: A general term for mixed reality, virtual reality, and augmented reality, is extended reality. In certain cases, all of them are referred to by the initials “XR”. The goal of the technology is to interact between a “software world” and the real world by combining or replicating them.

example of augmented reality are changing background while virtual meeting or snapchat filter or Pokémon Go game which creates an illusion of being there, but they are not in reality.

example of virtual reality are VR games with headset.

What’s the difference?
Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality & Mixed Reality
Virtual Reality [VR]
You can experience virtual reality by wearing a VR headset. Once you put it on your head, you literally have a digital screen in front of eyes which allows you to see 360 degree of virtual world. Physically you can’t see anything else than what’s presented in VR, which means that you are entirely immersed in a virtual environment.
Augmented Reality [AR]
Instead of completely replacing our real world, augmented reality enhances our surrounding with digital objects, visualizations and experiences. Anyone can experience AR in their environment through their camera phone.
Mixed Reality [MR]
Mixed reality is quite confusing yet it is similar to AR, the lines are largely blurry here. Traditionally MR is described as combining both AR and VR elements. It won’t remove you from your surrounding but rather add digital objects to your environment. Yet unlike mobile AR content, you will need a headset to experience MR.

Credit – Juveria Dalvi

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