Agile Terminology

Before we try to understand Agile Methodology Let me tell you it is the part of SDLC process. Every Computer Science or Information Technology student has gone through this topic in bachelor’s year. SDLC stands for Software Development Lifecycle. We can clearly understand by its acronym that this is the process of developing software’s. As we already know what Software is: Software is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks. It is the opposite of hardware, which describes the physical aspects of a computer. Software is a generic term used to refer to applications, scripts and programs that run on a device.

Let’s learn more about SDLC.
SDLC is a process followed for a software project, within a software organization. It consists of a detailed plan describing how to develop, maintain, replace, and alter or enhance specific software. The life cycle defines a methodology for improving the quality of software and the overall development process. The image describes few steps required to build a software.

  • Step 1: Planning

Planning / Requirement analysis is the most important stage in SDLC. It is performed by the senior members of the team with inputs from the customer. This information is then used to plan the basic project approach.
Collect facts: Obtain end-user requirements by document review, client interviews, observation, and questionnaires.

  • Step 2: Defining

Once the requirement analysis is done, the next stage is to certainly represent and document the software requirements and get them accepted from the project stakeholders.
This is accomplished through “SRS”- Software Requirement Specification document which contains all the product requirements to be constructed and developed during the project life cycle.
In this stage, all the requirements for the target software are specified. These requirements get approval from the customers. This is fulfilled by utilizing SRS (Software Requirement Specification). This is a sort of document that specifies all those things that need to be defined and created during the entire project cycle. 

  • Step 3: Designing

The next phase is about to bring down all the knowledge of requirements, analysis, and Create design of the software project according to inputs from the customer.

  • Step 4: Building

In this phase of SDLC, the actual development and implementation of design begins.

  • Step 5: Testing

After the code is generated, it is tested against the requirements to make sure that the products are solving the needs addressed and gathered during the requirements stage.

  • Step 6: Deployment

Once the software is certified, and no bugs or errors are stated, then it is deployed.

  • Step 7: Maintenance

Once when the client starts using the developed systems, then the real issues come up and requirements to be solved from time to time.
This procedure where the care is taken for the developed product is known as maintenance.

Here, are some important phases of SDLC life cycle:

Now, we will be focusing on Agile Model –
Agile (Meaning)
Ability to move quickly and easily.

Why Agile?

In this method, part of project is delivered quickly as per requirements to take feedback of end user and as per users feedback each part is delivered or updated which gives user satisfaction for the projects end result. In this, Clients have visibility of each phase of the project. Since project is broken down into smaller parts (Known as Sprints) High quality development , testing and collaboration is ensured.

What is Agile Methodologies?

Agile methodology is a project management framework that breaks projects down into several dynamic phases, commonly known as sprints. In Agile Methodology the highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continues delivery of valuable software.

Doing Half of Something is essential doing nothing

Just for better understanding As Working software is the primary measure of progress.:


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